Record Claims Levels in Annual Life Insurance

Claims payments during 2016 passed the $9 billion mark for the first time

RiskInfo reports that annual life insurance claims payments have reached over $9 billion in 2016, an increase on the $6 billion paid in 2015 and continues the steady climb of claims payments for over 10 years.

Large claims can be involved and time consuming, but Succession Matters has over 30 years experience in handling claims. We facilitate on average 5 claims every month which we take great pride and care, ensuring we help our clients when they most need it.

Recently, Mike Sayer of Succession Matters (formerly of The Corporate Will Company) facilitated the largest industry claim for Business Succession purposes in 2016 ($6m TPD Own occupation + $2.5m Trauma), which was complex and was largely a successful outcome due to Mikes perseverance, knowledge and care for his client, stay tuned for the case study in due course!